Have a coke a day
I’m getting thirstier by the minute
Literally craving a lil fix coz my meal was to boring (bland chicken and white rice)
I want some ice cream with a flake and sprinkles on it
My calories won’t allow it (prob coz I’d french toast this morning)
So what do I do?
Resist temptation, cry a little and hope my abs pop out from hibernation?
Or stuff my face with ice cream, cry a little and curse my abs for never showing?
Or I could just reach for something that’ll curb a craving and tie me over for a meal
My solution? Reach for a coke zero
^ that may piss off some nutrition ‘experts’ by the way
See there is nothing healthy about a coke zero
But there’s nothing ‘toxic’ or damning about it either
I’m not drinking a gallon of it, I’m drinking a can of it
And we all by now know that the aspartame scare theory is bullshit
^ you need 10,000 times the amount of aspartame to have any bad effect on your system
See the ‘badness’ or ‘danger’ of any food, substance or drink is in the dosage
A shot of vodka will do little damage to you
A bottle of vodka will get you scuttered and leave you dying in a heap the next day
Just like drinking too much water can kill you
^ it may have to be a copious amount but it has happened to people
See if a zero calorie drink that tastes decent can prevent you from eating 500 extra calories then that’s a massive win for your weight loss and performance goals
Sometimes having something ‘bad’ is actually good for you
Especially when it’s really not that bad for you
This is just one of the many small gems that we are going to be teaching in our brand new programme
*** The Fitspo Transformation Series ***
But you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to hear about it (I’m such a tease)
Dave ‘coke paid me’ Gallagher