Hashtags ruining your life #fitfam
#glutes #fitchick #grind #like4like
It’s everywhere these days
We can barely speak proper English
Shakespeare would be spinning in his grave
And I’ll admit I’m a victim of them as well
^ gotta get that hashtag ResultsIreland famous
See instagram is playing a massive part in everyone’s fitness goals
And it’s putting a lot of pressure on you lot
It’s full of belfies (butt selfies), surgically enhanced chesticles and teatox detox models
It’s like you don’t matter unless your jacked and tanned, dripping in oil 24/7
And there is increasingly a complete false sense of friendship on it
Real life interaction seems not to matter
As long as you’re getting loves & likes online by strangers
You’ve automatically created this ‘support’ system that will keep you going
But you’re setting yourself up for absolute disaster in the process
See its grand having a fake support system on your mobile
But when it comes to training you need that real motivation
And believe it or not, your phone won’t help you lift it
Real life interaction with people who wish you success and strive for the same purpose will drive you in the right direction
Weights will seem lighter and you’ll actually enjoy your session
So put your focus into your training, not your phone
You’ll get a lot more shit done
And look a lot better for it
Dave ‘insta’ Gallagher