Being obsessed is never a good thing in Galway these days
It’s always negative and it’s met on head that you shouldn’t be wasting your time with it
^ so replace it with sitting on the couch watching mind numbing crap
But what if you flipped it over and decided obsession was a good thing
Like if you woke up and decided you were going to be happy 24/7. That’s a serious mindset right there
Or if you finally decided you become obsessed with a gym goal. Like you won’t stop until you’ve a six pack or have sexy legs.
The above will stir a few people and the response will be it’s unhealthy
There’s nothing wrong with setting a goal amigo and following it through – as long as people do it the right way
We’ve all come across people saying they wish they were in shape, weren’t fat and were just happy with their body
They tell you they really really want it
But do they?
Do they want to do the workouts?
Do they want it more than 20 pints on the weekend and takeaways every second night?
Goals require sacrifice, effort and obsession
I’ve sacrificed 1000’s of extra hours to clients to help them get where they want to be
I’ve gotten up at 5am to train people, I’ve made the effort that others won’t.
I’ve written diets, workouts and mails for years to make people happy
(tell me what other trainer is mailing YOU right now)
I’m obsessed with helping people
I want them happy
I’m only gonna help people that really really want it
Not half want it
That’s why I’ve revamped our exclusive VIP online group.
It’s a prestige group for our clients where they’ll receive 20 specialist workouts a month along with a heap of diet and food plans to burn fat, build muscle and feel like a million bucks
^ on top of training and working out at the gym
This group had 230 people and I kicked out 60 last night
Coz they don’t want it enough
That might piss people off but I want them to feel a bit of emotion again
I want them to pick up the phone and tell me
‘Hey Dave, I WANT BACK IN!’
Well it’s pretty simple, they just gotta sign up to the gym again
To all my clients – prepare yourself for the best month of your lives 😉
Dave ‘Obsession’ Gallagher