The Simpsons can teach you stuff
You don’t win friends with salad, you don’t win friends with salad
God I love The Simpsons
Knowledge bombs in every episode
And Bart was right – you don’t win friends with salad!
Clean eating involves restricting a load of foods and gorging on plain meat, coconut oil and lots of rabbit food
^ I’m not a fan of course
I very rarely see a person pick up a piece of lettuce and say YUM
^ unless it’s covered with a burger
My own diet plan involves eating what I want with pretty much zero foods being restricted
Yes that means I do eat pizza, ben’n’jerrys and haribo
And yes I do have abs on show at the moment
See IF It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) is all about hitting your target protien, fats and carbs along with a high fibre intake
Ok you can’t eat a mountain of ‘bad’ food to achieve those but you still have a few bits of pieces
Like yesterday I had a bag of wheelies, some thai food and a few celebration sweets (even tho all the malteasers were gone)
I still had lots of eggs and chicken
BUT more importantly my diet doesn’t feel like a normal diet
And it’s fun, cheap and very very manageable
It’s a fantastic feeling buying your food for the week and not avoiding certain isles
I can hit up the fruit and veg section and then immediately grab a few bagels and not feel guilty
It’s even more hilarious when people see me with a bumper pack of wheelies
Some give me the judgemental look
They must think that a 100 calorie bag of crisps is gonna turn me into a fat mess
And if you have the same opinion then I feel very very sorry for ya
Imagine feeling guilty over 100 calories?!
Time to educate yourself on food and ENJOY yourself!
Dave ‘wheelies’ Gallagher
PS Side effects from IIFYM may include a happier mood, increased strength and better body shape (which may lead to more bedroom antics)
You have been warned!