Wedding bells
So it turns out I’m walking down the aisle in less than 6 weeks
And before you ask it’s not in the boxers like the pic…
Nor is that me posing in them (he’s more tanned, no other difference I swear)
I’m coming to the magnificent stage of excitement, enjoyment and shittin’ a brick all at the same time
Pressure is stirrin’ and it’s up to me to get everything prepped for the wedding and get in magnificent honeymoon shape
The honeymoon is of course sandy beaches, cocktails with those lil umbrellas and scorching hot sunshine
^ that means I need to be in beach body shape
^^ not ‘dad bod’ shape (I’ll write a blog on that this week as well)
Now I’m not in bad shape at all
But I want to be in great shape
So I’ve to make a decision
What’s more important to me?
Drinkin’ non stop with mates in the lead up or getting in great shape for the honeymoon
See dieting and nutrition is really simple
But people’s response is it’s actually very difficult
Well I’m gonna be honest hombre
It’s not your diet that’s difficult, it’s your behaviour
Your behaviour dictates you to drink excessively and binge on the weekends
Your behaviour dictates you also to skip breakfast coz you sleep in for 10 extra minutes
And your behaviour also dictates you from skipping the gym to queue for the drive thru instead
Sure I can get in good shape and still enjoy boozey weekends (which I love and even recommend)
Or I can decide that my wedding is one big ass important day and look great for it
Like everything good in life, you have to make sacrifices to achieve
And when you want to take that big next step you need to sacrifice a little more
That extra training, that one less takeaway and few less pints
Sorta like when people join our gym rather than standing still in another
Sure we are probably more expensive and the training is gonna be harder
But you’re gonna get what you want out of it
^^^ a sexy sexy shape before anyone asks ^^^
Or you can just let your behaviour dictate your shape and invest less and get no meaningful result out of it
Which leads you to being pissed off and trying to pass off the dad bod to your significant other
That’s not gonna fly by the way
Unless you are a 40 year old Di Caprio with a few million in the bank
So if you’re not him then have a look of what we have to offer
*** solution ***
I’m certainly not gonna dad bod it come wedding day (I will have plenty of years for that after!)
Dave ‘gonna buy those boxers’ Gallagher
P.S. For any brides out there we are gonna create one exclusive FitChick group just for brides and bridesmaids. That’ll fill fast (only 6 spots after all) so if you want more info mail me asap