Blame game
What a bunch of losers
Disgrace to the nation
^ I heard all of the above yesterday
Ireland losing to Argentina was a tough pill to swallow yesterday
Dreams dashed and yet another 4 years to wait for new hope
We’d the ‘best fans’ of the tournament according to the Rugby World
Unfortunately I’d disagree
We had ‘bandwagon’ support
Who tried to jump on the success train
And dive off once it crashed
A pretty stark reminder of what gym training is all about
You train, you fail, you binge and you blame everyone around you
Then you look for the ‘quick fix’
Detox, c9, teas, pills
Seriously WHY?!
Why not lay it all out on the table and realise success doesn’t happen overnight?
Great things come to people who WORK and do not GIVE UP
Sure you may fail, you may stumble
But you just don’t quit
And you certainly don’t fill your head with negative crap and blame someone else
Take responsibility , be brutally honest and just go for it
And guess what?
You’ll have great support from the right people because of it
Put it in really simple terms
If you joined results and quit the excuses you’ve made in your head
^ samples of it sounds tough and it’s expensive
and instead just went for it
You’d have a foolproof support system that’ll help you get to where you want to be
Coz everyone else here wants success and is driven
No frills, no lies, no bullshit
Just honest people with serious ambition
It’s time friend
Dave ‘fulltime supporter’ Gallagher